Deployed Web Apps

1 minute read

Below are the links to some apps I created and deployed to the web. These apps have been coded in Visual Studio Code, in python– using libraries such as flask, bokeh, Streamlit, TensorFlow, just to name a few and have been deployed using git and the Heroku CLI.

It might take a few seconds to boot up when accessing for the very first time but, I swear they work :)

Data Exploration and Correlation Finder

This app takes a timeseries dataset from the user and does the following:

  • Provides descriptive statistics about a variable from the dataset, plots data using a line chart and a distribution chart.
  • Uses statsmodels to decompose the timeseries. We can select a variabe to decompose, and it will return the trend, seasonality and error which are underlying components of timeseries data.
  • Calculates the correlation between variables in the entire dataset and it plots a correlation matrix heatmap.

Mushroom Classifier

Are mushrooms edible or poisonous? This app uses a dataset which contains certain mushroom characteristics and classify them using one of the following classifiers that can be selected by the user:

  • Support Vector Machine SVM
  • Logistic Regression
  • Random Forest

Find the Mushroom Classifier App here

Uber Pickups in NYC

This apps analyzes Uber pickups in New York City, groups pickups hourly and plots the location of the pikcups in a map. Uber Pickups NYC App link


This is a to-do list app created using Flask.

To-Do App – made with Flask


Proof of Concept App to test Streamlit and deployment using Heroku.

Streamlit & Heroku App – Proof of Concept

Bokeh Dashboard

Proof of Concept App to test deployment of bokeh graphs to the web which enables the creation of dashboards that can be deployed, distributed and access in the open web. The interactive graphs show financial data, closing prices of a certain stocks– to be specific, which had been programmatically obtained from the web.

Bokeh Graphs/Dashboard Proof of Concept

