AI for Medical Diagnosis - Lab 4

4 minute read

Patient Overlap and Data Leakage

We saw in the Concepts post that having mulitple records of the same patient in the training, validation and/or test datasets can affect our model’s performance. In Machine Learning this issue is called Data Leakage

In this notebook we will identify and remove the patient overlap records from the training and validation datasets.

# Import required libraries

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import os
import seaborn as sns

# Load training .csv file

train_df = pd.read_csv("/content/train-small.csv")

# Show number of columns and rows in the df (shape)

print(f"The number of rows: {train_df.shape[0]} and number of columns: {train_df.shape[1]}\n")

# print first 5 rows (head)


The number of rows: 1000 and number of columns: 16

Image Atelectasis Cardiomegaly Consolidation Edema Effusion Emphysema Fibrosis Hernia Infiltration Mass Nodule PatientId Pleural_Thickening Pneumonia Pneumothorax
0 00008270_015.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8270 0 0 0
1 00029855_001.png 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 29855 0 0 0
2 00001297_000.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1297 1 0 0
3 00012359_002.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12359 0 0 0
4 00017951_001.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 17951 0 0 0
# Load validation .csv file

valid_df = pd.read_csv("/content/valid-small.csv")

# Show number of rows and columns

print(f"Number of rows: {valid_df.shape[0]} and number of columns: {valid_df.shape[1]}. \n")

# print df's head


Number of rows: 109 and number of columns: 16.

Image Atelectasis Cardiomegaly Consolidation Edema Effusion Emphysema Fibrosis Hernia Infiltration Mass Nodule PatientId Pleural_Thickening Pneumonia Pneumothorax
0 00027623_007.png 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 27623 0 0 0
1 00028214_000.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28214 0 0 0
2 00022764_014.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22764 0 0 0
3 00020649_001.png 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 20649 0 0 0
4 00022283_023.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22283 0 0 0

Extract and compare the PatientIDs from both datasets.

To do:

  • Extract the PatientID from train_df and valid_df
  • Convert these arrays into set() datatypes
  • Identify patient overlap where the two dfs intersect
# Extract PatientIDs from train_df

ids_train = train_df.PatientId.values

# Extract PatientIDs from valid_df

ids_valid = valid_df.PatientId.values
# Create a set() data structure for the two PatientID's

ids_train_set = set(ids_train)

# Print number of unique IDs for train_df

print(f"The number of unique IDs in the train_df are: {len(ids_train_set)}. \n")

ids_valid_set = set(ids_valid)

# Print number of unique IDs for valid_df

print(f"The number of unique IDs in the valid_df are: {len(ids_valid_set)}")

The number of unique IDs in the train_df are: 928

The number of unique IDs in the valid_df are: 97

# Identify the overlapping records by looking at the intersection of both sets

patient_overlap = list(ids_train_set.intersection(ids_valid_set))

# Get number of overlapping records

n_overlap = len(patient_overlap)

print(f"The number of overlapping records are: {n_overlap}\n")
print(f"These PatientIDs are present in both sets: {patient_overlap}")

The number of overlapping records are: 11

These PatientIDs are present in both sets: [20290, 27618, 9925, 10888, 22764, 19981, 18253, 4461, 28208, 8760, 7482]

Alright! Now that we identified how many and which records are present in both, the training and validation sets, we can proceed to:

  • Find the indices of the overlapping IDs and store them in a list
  • Drop the overlapping records from either set
# Create empty lists

train_overlap_idx = []
valid_overlap_idx = []

# Find indices of overlapping records

for idx in range(n_overlap): # We need to find 11 indices
  train_overlap_idx.extend(train_df.index[train_df['PatientId'] == patient_overlap[idx]].tolist())
  valid_overlap_idx.extend(valid_df.index[valid_df['PatientId'] == patient_overlap[idx]].tolist())

# print info about indices

print(f"Indices of the overlapping PatientIDs in the train_df: \n{train_overlap_idx}\n")
print(f"Indices of the overlapping PatientIDs in the valid_df: \n{valid_overlap_idx}\n")

Indices of the overlapping PatientIDs in the train_df: 
[306, 186, 797, 98, 408, 917, 327, 913, 10, 51, 276]
Indices of the overlapping PatientIDs in the valid_df: 
[104, 88, 65, 13, 2, 41, 56, 70, 26, 75, 20, 52, 55]

# Drop overlapping rows/records from either one of the sets, validation in this case

valid_df.drop(valid_overlap_idx, inplace = True)

We can ensure that things were done correctly by re-running the PatientID comparison between the two datasets. If everything executed above went well:

  • We should now see less records in the valid_df
  • We should see 0 overlaps as both dfs no longer intersect each other
# Extract PatientsIDs from the valid_df

ids_valid_check = valid_df.PatientId.values

# Create a set datatype 

ids_valid_check_set = set(ids_valid_check)

# print number of unique ID's

print(f"Number of unique PatientIds in valid_df: {len(ids_valid_check_set)}")
# Identify overlap by comparing the two dfs

patient_overlap_check = list(ids_train_set.intersection(ids_valid_check_set))

# Get number of overlapped records

n_overlap_check = len(patient_overlap_check)

print(f"The number of overlapped PatientIDs in both datasets are: {n_overlap_check}")

The number of overlapped PatientIDs in both datasets are: 0

